RPDR Season 16 Episode 1 Runway

RuVeal Yourself

Each week, I will review the main challenge and runway performances for the queens of RPDR season 16. Like the main challenge, I will rank each queens’ performance from best (1) to worst (7, for this episode). Alongside the rankings, I am including “SHOOT,” “TOOT,” and “BOOT” with each look, similar to Fashion Photo RuView with Raja and Raven.

This very first runway was “RuVeal Yourself.” Basically, I assume all of the girls were able to have as many reveals as possible with their looks, but I also think the brief of the runway was to show the judges and audience a glimpse of that queen’s style and who they are. Overall, I actually don’t like this runway all that much. We have seen some pretty amazing reveals in the history of Drag Race, and a lot of these looks are… well, underwhelming. You can really go so extravagant with a theme like “RuVeal Yourself,” and a lot of the girls didn’t– which was frankly a missed opportunity.

1. Q (TOOT)

While many of the queens this week gave underwhelming reveals, Q definitely took advantage of the extravagance that this theme called for. Sequins is a fabric that is relatively easy to look cheap in, but Q combined an interesting concept and silhouette, making the sequins look so expensive! I think the concept of caterpillar to butterfly has been done to death (hello, Jasmine Masters!), but Q managed to take the concept and turn it into something different and unique. The pre-reveal look is so dark and mysterious. It’s giving Maleficent vibes if Maleficent were a beautiful bug. The reveal into the colorful, bold wings was gorgeous and very well-executed. I love the juxtaposition between the darkness of the pre-reveal look and the vividness of the wings. I also really love the headpiece and antenna-like feathers. This is definitely ART and DRAG to the tee! Easily the best runway of the episode.

2. Mirage (TOOT)

This was a strong runway from Mirage. Light blue and orange contrast each other very well. I love the feathers, sequins, and big titties. Mirage is definitely giving us Las Vegas drag with this fun showgirl/burlesque look, and I think it’s a really good example of where Mirage is from and what she can bring to the competition in terms of looks and drag identity. The reveals, or transitions into each look, weren’t really anything to write home about; she kind of just took off article after article of clothing, but I think each of the looks are very polished and well-fitted. I’d probably say I prefer the pre-reveal look with the extravagant feathered backpiece more than the post-reveal look, but all in all, this was a job well done.

3. Dawn (TOOT)

This works. I’m not really sure how I’m supposed to feel about the pre-reveal look. It looks like Dawn’s attempt to be a yeti? I’m not sure. It’s definitely different, I’ll give her that, but the pre-reveal look isn’t really something I’m particularly interested in looking at. I suppose I wish the connection between her pre-reveal look and post-reveal look made more sense. Regardless, I do think the transition between her two looks was good and clean. The post-reveal look is cute and quirky; I like the long sleeves, I think the black chaps and white fur actually work well together. Overall, it’s a fair/good attempt at the challenge at hand; I guess I just wish the concept made more sense. I’m left just a tad bit confused.

4. Xunami Muse (TOOT)

Xunami is gorgeous, for sure. And I really love red; it’s probably my favorite color. I think the color also looks amazing on Xunami. Ultimately, I can’t say I’m all that blown away by this performance from Xunami. Individually, none of the looks Xunami gave for this challenge are all that interesting. The transitions into her reveals were also a bit underwhelming. Although each of the looks is a bit remedial, I do think there is a sense of polish in all of the looks. Xunami’s face looks gorgeous, her body looks gorgeous. Her overall runway from this episode is not great, but I think it’s a passable performance. At least, for the very first runway challenge. Overall, it’s a very soft toot from me.

5. Sapphira Cristál (BOOT)

After such an impeccable talent show number, this runway performance from Sapphira leaves me wanting more, unfortunately. I think the pre-reveal look with the deep blue satin is gorgeous. But everything after that? Yeah, no, I’ll pass. I think the second purple look was fine but surely underwhelming compared to the first look. The very last reveal being a body suit with an ill-fitting titty plate is even more disappointing. Sapphira looked so classy, regal, and polished in the pre-reveal number. The very last look, however, looks incomplete and frankly lacking polish. She definitely looks gorgeous with her hair and makeup, but the basic body suit with an ill-fitting titty plate is distracting enough to the point where this is a boot for me. Definitely a missed opportunity from Sapphira.

6. Morphine Love Dion (BOOT)

This is so exceptionally underwhelming. I actually quite like the pre-reveal, towel look. Surely, the silhouette could be more interesting, but I like the towel headpiece and I think Morphine’s body looks great. My issue with this runway performance is, well, the reveal in itself– which is ultimately what this runway challenge was all about. Morphine goes from a towel look to a bikini… WOAH. My mind is so absolutely blown. I think the concept of revealing into a bathing suit from a towel dress is a bit expected and unoriginal. Morphine’s body looks great in the bikini, but the bikini itself is so incredibly pedestrian. I know Morphine is the BBL queen, but I would have loved it if she padded with the bikini look. I think that could have possibly elevated the post-reveal look to something less uninspired.

7. Amanda Tori Meating (BOOT)

I like Amanda a lot and I truly want to say something good about this runway performance, but this is pretty damn bad. The pre-reveal look is comedic, sure, but it’s giving baby drag queen vibes; it’s giving lack of polish. The face kini, combined with the dress and hair, make no sense. And that face kini — and that dress — are U-G-L-Y. I liked the transition into the second look, I suppose, but the second look, too, does not make any sense to me. Transitionally, the two looks don’t connect in any way. Also, the hair and makeup on the second look are almost as bad as the face kini and hair on the pre-reveal look. The three titties is fun and comedic, just as absurd as the concept of the pre-reveal look, but there is just so much polish missing between the two looks that I can’t possibly overlook.

1. Sapphira Cristál (1.0): 1
2. Mirage (2.0): 2
3. Q (3.0): 3
4. Amanda Tori Meating (4.0): 4
5. Morphine Love Dion (5.0): 5
6. Dawn (6.0): 6
7. Xunami Muse (7.0): 7

1. Q (1.0): 1
2. Mirage (2.0): 2
3. Dawn (3.0): 3
4. Xunami Muse (4.0): 4
5. Sapphira Cristál (5.0): 5
6. Morphine Love Dion (6.0): 6
7. Amanda Tori Meating (7.0): 7

RPDR Season 16 Episode 1 Challenge

“MTV’s Spring Break” Talent Show

Each episode, I will review the main challenge performances and runway looks, ranking the girls from BEST (1) to WORST (this episode, 7). In paratheses for the challenge performance rankings, I provide the placement of the queen in terms of the WIN-HIGH-SAFE-LOW-BTM2-ELIM track record that RPDR uses. At the bottom of each post will reveal the cumulative average performance from each competitor, in terms of challenge performance and in terms of runway. Stick around with me as I go episode by episode ranking the Queens of RPDR 16.

For this first episode, the queens face off in “MTV’s Spring Break” Talent Show. Overall, I think this was a good talent show, definitely above average in terms of all the talent shows we have seen on this show. Between the episode 1 premiere and the episode 2 premiere, I will definitely say I preferred episode 1’s premiere and talent show. Overall, the queens this episode did better, and I think quite a few queens could have very easily found themselves in the top 2. There are quite a few lip-sync performances between these two talent show performances, but I generally find the lip-sync talent show numbers in this episode more entertaining and original.

1. Sapphira Cristál (WIN)

Sapphira SLAYED the premiere. Anyone who says otherwise is completely delusional. Not only does she SLAY an opera performance, she SLAYS an opera performance about her getting SLAYED. The performance was so camp. The singing impeccable, the stage presence commanding, the humor next-level. This performance was very smart; Sapphira showed herself as a fierce opera singer and also as a very comedic queen. She showed that she is a well-balanced queen and definitely one-to-beat with this performance. There were so many peaks and valleys; I found myself thoroughly entertained from start to finish. Even the add-lip with Ru after her performance was so funny and effortless– she’s a definite contender. Doing Philly proud!

2. Mirage (TOP2)

I’m pretty sure I’ve played this talent show on repeat over 100 times now. I’m quite literally obsessed with Mirage’s performance. The entire performance is her telling us she’s a bitch and WE BEEN KNEW, BITCH. Every lyric and every movement felt deliberate to me, and the transitions into her dance moves were so absolutely smooth. I loved the strut into the dog walk, LOVED the heel clacking, the pony tail flip into a death drop had my mouth quite literally on the floor the first time I watched the performance. Mirage proved herself to be one hell of a lip-syncer with this performance and a queen whom can really command the attention of her audience. She deserved to be lip-syncing for the win this week; I was shocked she wasn’t in at least the top 3 with the Rate-A-Queen results.

3. Q (HIGH)

Maybe a bit unpopular not to place this in the top 2? I’m not sure. I think Q’s performance was super campy and unique. There’s a lot of girls that make fun of their “talent” in an attempt to be quirky and many times it doesn’t work. Q managed to make it work, and she managed to do something we’ve never seen before on the Drag Race stage. The movements and facial expressions were fun; I loved the emotion she was giving in the face. Ultimately, the reason for placing this below the two above is that the climax comes a bit prematurely to me. The performance doesn’t really have the peaks and valleys that the former two performances do.

4. Amanda Tori Meating (SAFE)

This girl started at a 10 and ended at a 10, and honestly I give her a 10 for the full commitment. She went full puss on this performance… literally. Her poses were so exaggerated and she started off exceptionally strong; “the C-E-Hoe of S-E-X” — I live. The number turns into her asking the whereabouts of her kitty, and honestly, I have no f*cking clue what she is talking about but I’m still living. She knows how to command a stage. I honestly didn’t even realize she was wearing a cat’s face on her body suit until the second time I watched the performance. Perhaps she could have exaggerated or polished-up her look more to match the fierceness of the song and dance moves, but the performance was smart and camp nonetheless.

5. Morphine Love Dion (SAFE)

This was a fun one. I enjoyed the soft and subtle start and then the transition into the sexier and more energetic beat. The movements were convincing and well-executed. I enjoyed the powder-blow. The reveal into the two-piece and shaking of the ass was fun. Her split was executed well. She’s very polished; that’s for sure. Ultimately, I can’t say this is too remarkable of a performance; it’s solid but not anything too remarkable to write home about.

6. Dawn (SAFE)

This was good! I feel bad for placing it so far down in my list; by no means would I have put her in the bottom 2 for this. Ultimately, the performance lends itself to more safe than anything else. Surely, she’s quirky, the lyrics were fun, the fashion was great. I liked the reveal into the conflicting patterns and the glove; Dawn definitely has an eye for fashion. The lyrics were cute and quirky, she definitely has wit. I just ultimately found this performance less compelling than the ones above.

7. Xunami Muse (LOW)

This was… not good. Not bad, per se. Just extremely underwhelming. The performance starts relatively low in energy; as an audience member, you’re thinking “oh, this is going to pick up,” but… it just doesn’t. Well, didn’t, I suppose. Xunami looks good in the performance, maybe a bit basic, but the dance movements were just not compelling. Her movements could have been a lot bigger. Based on past talent show numbers, this was frankly elimination-worthy.

1. Sapphira Cristál (1.0): 1
2. Mirage (2.0): 2
3. Q (3.0): 3
4. Amanda Tori Meating (4.0): 4
5. Morphine Love Dion (5.0): 5
6. Dawn (6.0): 6
7. Xunami Muse (7.0): 7

Celebrating Family


It only took about a year to cover, but the ninth week of Asia’s Next Top Model finally means the finale is here! Despite randomly stopping in the middle of this season, I think this was an alright season of Top Model. I’ll cover more about my final thoughts on this season in my next post, though– for now, let’s talk about this week. I like this photoshoot, I think it’s cute. For such a concept, the images this week could have turned out awful and totally cramped, but as a whole, I thought the final three performed very well for the final week of the competition. I love two of these pictures, and the third is pretty solid too. The season ended with one of the girls being named Asia’s Next Top Model, and I do not think that the right girl won whatsoever, but that is definitely something I will talk about more in my final recap post.

1. Mia (Runner-up)

This is quite wonderful. I’m happy that, despite her past few hiccups, Mia has decided to end the competition with a very good image! This is what I expected Mia’s skincare picture to look like– lively, full of energy, and with a fantastic smile. Mia’s smile is radiant. Her body, too, is an absolute standout. Mia looks very tall here, her proportions are incredibly good, and I like the partial movement Mia created with the dress. As a whole, this picture is definitely comparable to one of those D&G-type ads; this picture looks very legitimate. Mia looks like a model and finished the season very well. Of this final three, she would have probably been my pick for winner.

2. Dana (Winner)

And Dana ended up taking the crown. Disappointing, though I think a lot of us expected this as she was continuously overrated by the judges. Nonetheless, just like Mia, I think Dana delivered a kick-ass image. I particularly enjoy Dana’s pose here, actually! She’s finally doing something more than just standing (or sitting) there. That dress hugs Dana’s body really well, and I love those puffy sleeves. The face is also nice. Dana herself has a rather pedestrian look to me, but I think she delivered a strong closeup, in addition to a strong full shot. By no means do I think Dana was deserving of taking home the title, but I do think she ended the season with one of her best pictures in the competition.

3. Adela (Runner-up)

Compared to Mia and Dana, Adela definitely underperformed this week. There’s nothing technically wrong with this picture. I still think Adela stands out, she looks fairly tall, she looks pretty. But on the flip side of things, this picture is not nearly as remarkable as Mia’s and Dana’s pictures. I think Adela’s lack of expression and lack of pose are totally to blame for this. Adela’s smiling but her eyes lack energy, and I do not think this is the most attractive angle for her face. The only aspect of Adela’s body that I enjoy here is probably the slight leg being shown. Otherwise, I think Adela is just standing there. Overall, this is definitely the most underwhelming picture of the week.

1. Jachin (3.0) 3/1/2/5/1/6 – (Eliminated Week 6)
2. Beauty (3.1) 2/5/7/3/6/1/1/1/2 – (Eliminated Week 8)
3. Mia (3.4) 1/2/1/6/7/3/6/3/4/1 – (Runner-up)
4. Adela (4.2) 8/7/5/1/5/2/3/5/3/3 – (Runner-up)
5. Dana (4.3) 5/8/4/7/2/4/4/2/5/2 – (Winner)
6. Pim (4.4) 11/3/8/2/4/5/2/4/1 – (Eliminated Week 8)
7. Vy (4.7) 7/4/3/4/3/7/5 – (Eliminated Week 7)
8. Rubini (6.8) 4/9/6/8 – (Eliminated Week 4)
9. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
10. Han (8.4) 9/6/10/9/8 – (Eliminated Week 5)
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (10.7) 12/11/9 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Adela: 2
Beauty: 0
Dana: 1
Han: 3
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 1
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 1

Subaru Fashion Shoot and Film


This week is a… disappointment. I lowkey don’t even want to cover this week that’s how despondent I am about it. For being a final five episode, the episode before the finale where they decided to eliminate two girls, this is just underwhelming af. So, this week the girls modeled for Subaru again. This shoot is worse than the one they had toward the beginning of this season. In addition, there was a short, meaningless fashion film that the girls participated in and were judged on as well. I thought the photoshoot sucked for a final five shoot, the execution lacked tremendously. Same goes with the shoot. I think there were so many better concepts that production could have done for the second to last episode of the season but oh well. Two girls were eliminate– and they both performed the best for me this week! Figures.

This week, the girls were judged on two things: their Subaru picture and their performance in the Subaru fashion film. There are two scores present next to each girl’s ranking, the first is the shoot while the second is the fashion film. My overall ranking was determined by the averages of the two challenges. In case you’re interested in watching the fashion film, it can be found on the Asia’s Next Top Model Facebook!

1. Beauty (1/2) (Eliminated)

Beauty was eliminated. Suddenly, my desire to continue this season has just dropped tremendously. I’m absolutely baffled by this elimination to say the least. Between the photoshoot and the fashion film, Beauty easily performed the most consistent for me. This picture here is pretty good! This week’s concept reads as unfinished to me, but Beauty has easily the most campaign-ready image of the bunch. She looks so cool on top of that car, totally killer. She carries the big hair and heavy makeup really well, too. I like the pose as well, it’s a neat and different stance. As for the fashion film– Beauty was not shown a lot. But during the times she was shown, she excelled. I love, love, LOVE when she flipped her hair, her face looked amazing. She otherwise did not have much of a role in the video, but overall Beauty should have gotten first call-out this week, not eliminated. Bummer.

2. Pim (4/1) (Eliminated)

And Pim was also eliminated. The two girls that I think performed the best this week got eliminated, who would have thought? By no means do I think Pim’s picture this week is strong. It’s elimination worthy, I do believe; however, I thought Pim was by far the strongest performer in the fashion film. She absolutely stole the video for me as soon as they showed her! Her close-up looked stunning as she was driving the car, totally natural. The big earring was somewhat of an eyesore, but I totally think she nailed the “bad bitchez only” look. She looked badass and powerful! Anyway, back to this image– it’s boring, I don’t like the pose, and that hair and makeup styling was a choice. The pose is very ANTM cycle 12 Aminat reminiscent, which isn’t good. Regardless, Pim showed up in the fashion film, and for that her elimination raises a question mark for me.

3. Dana (2/5)

Dana’s performance this week was totally… meh. Nothing new, again I find myself just getting bored by Dana. I think, while I am giving Dana second call-out for her Subaru image, it’s still a letdown. She looks fine, maybe even good, but it’s not an outstanding picture. Dana herself doesn’t stand out, something I have found myself saying repeatedly. The pose is alright, I guess the styling, hair, and makeup are kind of interesting, but as a whole, I am not wowed. Regardless, this still is the second strongest image of the week for me. In terms of how Dana performed in the fashion film– her performance was drab. I think there’s more that she could have done. Again, Dana is not doing enough for me and her look is not interesting enough to support that! Ugh.

4. Mia (3/4)

I feel like Mia performed about on par with Dana and Adela, so again I find myself underwhelmed. Not really feeling this picture of Mia. It’s not bad, but the pose is a bit awkward. I don’t like how she positioned her limbs. I don’t think Mia is modeling the outfit she is wearing all too well. I guess it’s not really her fault, but it kind of looks like the harness is giving her a fupa. In addition to the lackluster pose, Mia’s face has looked better as well. I don’t think she carries the hair and makeup all too well; the eye makeup specifically looks a bit too heavy for her. Her facial expression leaves me wanting more. The same goes with Mia’s performance in the fashion film. She did not shine. I think there were many moments where she could have been a lot more commanding. I mean, they gave her a torch and told her to walk toward the camera, she could have made that look so powerful and interesting! As a whole, I think Mia’s performance lacked a lot of energy and the tiny, weak throw at the end totally epitomizes that.

5. Adela (5/3)

Adela did not do very hot this week, and I’m kind of surprised she made it out alive. Neither Adela’s picture nor her part in the fashion film have any interest to me. I actually think that Adela’s Subaru picture is a bit unflattering actually. The face, particularly the facial expression, does not resonate for me. Moreover, Adela herself isn’t the tallest model ever, and so the scrunched over pose totally loses much of Adela’s length. I sorta get — and can appreciate — what she was going for in concept, but the execution just isn’t there for me. I suppose Adela looked a bit better in the fashion film (comparatively). She looked good– I like her getting out of the car, she looked really good with those sunglasses. I was a little bothered by the fact Adela’s mouth was open for a good portion of her part, but nevertheless, she kept me pretty interested. Not an awful performance but could definitely be a lot better.

1. Jachin (3.0) 3/1/2/5/1/6 – (Eliminated Week 6)
2. Beauty (3.1) 2/5/7/3/6/1/1/1/2 – (Eliminated Week 8)
3. Mia (3.7) 1/2/1/6/7/3/6/3/4
4. Adela (4.3) 8/7/5/1/5/2/3/5/3
5. Pim (4.4) 11/3/8/2/4/5/2/4/1 – (Eliminated Week 8)
6. Dana (4.6) 5/8/4/7/2/4/4/2/5
7. Vy (4.7) 7/4/3/4/3/7/5 – (Eliminated Week 7)
8. Rubini (6.8) 4/9/6/8 – (Eliminated Week 4)
9. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
10. Han (8.4) 9/6/10/9/8 – (Eliminated Week 5)
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (10.7) 12/11/9 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Adela: 1
Beauty: 0
Dana: 1
Han: 3
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 1
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 1

Fashionable Giants


Okay, if you’re one to thing this photoshoot is bad, your expectations are way, way too high. I think this is a pretty good shoot! Obviously, repeated concepts are a bit tiring, but I think this photoshoot is even better than the ANTM original. The backdrop is not very interesting and the street lacks cars, but I like the styling more in this shoot rather than the ANTM one. I really enjoy stripes, plaid, and polka dots. In addition, I think many of the girls delivered. The execution in pictures is quite exceptional this week– I really don’t hate any of these photos. Some are obviously better than others, but I think this is one of the stronger executions in recent weeks. Plus, the elimination wasn’t bad either, nothing to get too upset over, unlike last week. ):

1. Beauty

This is outstanding. Beauty looks, well, beautiful. I absolutely love this plaid look on her; Beauty definitely is working the styling they gave her. I think most of the girls were giving strong outfits, but Beauty makes hers even more elevated. Her legs looks a mile long, she has wonderful proportions, and that face is absolutely gorgeous. I love how she positioned her arms, I think this is a good angle for her body. The highlight off the cheekbone coupled with that bold eye makeup makes Beauty’s face standout. She completely destroys this image, a definite fashion giant. I’m loving this.

2. Pim

Pim, too, did a really impressive job this week. I adore the baby blue color scheme throughout that dress. The tiny white polka dots are also super adorable. Another really good styling in my opinion! Just like Beauty, Pim completely owns her picture. Pim has a powerful and dynamic pose, I love the movement of her body. Her legs look super long. Her arms may be a little awkward, but I think that could have been fixed if she angled her torso less away from the camera. Nonetheless, Pim’s body looks great. And so does her face. Her expression is subtle but beautiful; she’s radiating! A very strong performance from Pim, which I’m happy about!

3. Adela

Okay, is it unpopular to enjoy this picture as much as I do? I could see how the pose may be a little awkward, but the awkwardness works for me. Adela looks adorable here. That outfit is cute, I love this eye makeup on Adela, and she’s totally working that hat. Facially, I’m super impressed by this image. The full shot is less impressive, but I still enjoy it. Her legs looks pretty long, I think she wears her outfit well. I think my main criticism for Adela would go toward her arm positioning. Plus, it doesn’t seem like she knows where the place her hands either. Either way, I still really enjoy this picture!

4. Dana

Dana does pretty well this week, but I’m so damn tired of the judges living for this bitch! This received first call-out, and I completely disagree. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate this, but c’mon– this picture is boring! She’s sitting here, hand on her hip, looking off the distance. I know other models’ poses are a bit underwhelming this week, but Dana does not really have the face to support doing essentially nothing in her picture. I do think her body and face look good, though. They just don’t stand out. The inhale of the mouth is nice, Dana’s legs look nice.. But that’s the thing– everything (or most things) look nice. Otherwise, this is kinda meh. It’s a good meh, but a meh nonetheless.

5. Vy (Eliminated)

Aw, poor Vy got the boot this week. I’m not too mad about her going. I’m kind of surprised she managed to make it this far, actually. Regardless, I do think Vy is ending her time on Asia’s Next Top Model with a fairly decent picture. I would say this picture is about on par with Dana’s. Vy’s face looks nice, her body does too. I think the pose is a bit cliche and boring, there’s not much going on with her body, but the face does help the picture. Despite this, I just don’t think Vy has the best look or body to support such a simple pose and expression. She looks good, but good isn’t enough at this point; therefore, I would say this was a deserved elimination.

6. Mia

Wait, did I say all the pictures this week were pretty decent? Because I kinda take that back now. This picture of Mia sucks, and I’m absolutely mad at her for it. This is unacceptable, c’mon Mia! I don’t think Mia’s body looks bad here necessarily. Her pose is, just that– a pose. It’s not really anything too interesting. I do think she does a decent job at showing off the shoes she’s wearing. However, Mia’s face? No ma’am. Something about her face looks very wrong to me. The lack of intensity, the lack of expression, the hair? I’m not really sure, all I do know is that I am incredibly uninterested.

1. Jachin (3.0) 3/1/2/5/1/6 – (Eliminated Week 6)
2. Beauty (3.6) 2/5/7/3/6/1/1
3. Mia (3.7) 1/2/1/6/7/3/6
4. Adela (4.4) 8/7/5/1/5/2/3
5. Vy (4.7) 7/4/3/4/3/7/5 – (Eliminated Week 7)
6. Dana (4.9) 5/8/4/7/2/4/4
7. Pim (5.0) 11/3/8/2/4/5/2
8. Rubini (6.8) 4/9/6/8 – (Eliminated Week 4)
9. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
10. Han (8.4) 9/6/10/9/8 – (Eliminated Week 5)
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (10.7) 12/11/9 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Adela: 0
Beauty: 0
Dana: 0
Han: 3
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 1
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 1

Grocery Shopping with Mentors


I’m not sure whether my standards for photoshoots on NTM have dwindled recently, but I think this week’s shoot is very good! This week the girls posed with their mentors, and I like the concept– it’s cute. We got to see Tu and Shikin again which is a delight. Monika was also there, but I don’t care for her performance whatsoever. The high-fashion-clothing-in-a-grocery-store concept is a concept that I will never get tired of, though I do think America’s Next Top Model delivered stronger images for this same shoot. Nonetheless, the execution is pretty solid. Three girls delivered incredible images, while the remainder kind of suck. But what sucks more this week is the elimination. We’ve had five pretty justified, decent eliminations, just to ultimately witness one of the biggest robs of Top Model circa 2018? I do not support. Boo.

1. Beauty

Finally, FINALLY Beauty receives a first call-out from me, about time! As great of a performance this is for Beauty, I find it kind of ironic that her mentor, Tu, is showing her up. If Tu was in this competition, my first call-out would have gone to her, but Beauty is definitely a close second. There’s nothing to fault about this picture. Tu and Beauty’s energies match incredibly well, they both look incredibly modelesque and stunning. I like their interaction together. Moreover, Beauty wears the clothing and all those heinous accessories incredibly well! Hair curlers, sunglasses, PINK EYEBROWS (which I love), bracelets up to both her forearms, a bag of — what is that — lettuce or spinach? Beauty somehow manages to make everything about this picture work extremely well together. She stands her ground next to a strong AsNTM alumnus and looks stunning in the process! Completely deserving first call-out.

2. Adela

I think these next two pictures are really strong and could have easily been swapped in call-out order. I decided to give Adela second call-out (compared to Mia), because I think her picture ultimately stands out more. I like the sassy pose, the hip to the side, Adela looking down at the camera. I think both Adela’s facial expression and body match each other extremely well, though if there is one thing to fault it’s definitely the lack of neck. I think there’s a way to angle your head down as such while elongated your neck, but regardless it’s not that problematic. Like with Beauty, Adela models her outfit well. I do think she received one of the stronger wardrobes of the week, which perhaps helps me like this more than some of her competitors’ pictures, but Adela does stand her own here next to Tu (who again looks incredible).

3. Mia

At last, Mia is back to delivering strong pictures. This is really good, and I’m super happy to see Shikin again. I think there’s a lot to like about Mia’s picture this week. I love how she’s sitting on the shopping cart Shikin is driving; their interaction is lowkey but strong! Moreover, I like that they are both wearing blue and pink hues (I enjoy the color combination throughout the image as well). Mia’s face and pose are both also pretty strong and commanding. The blue eyebrows are nice, though the eye makeup under her eyes looks a little uneven. Regardless, there’s nothing to really fault here, this is definitely a strong image.

4. Dana

BORING. Snooze. I literally hate the fact Dana got second call-out for this picture (spoiler: and is going to get first call-out next week). The judges think so highly of this bitch’s modeling abilities and I really do not reciprocate the same thoughts. This is just… alright. Nothing remarkable. Neither Dana or Monika look very good here, they’re just standing there, not interacting with one another and not really posing either. I suppose Dana looks better than Monika, which is a compliment, but c’mon– it’s easier to stand out next to Monika compared to Shikin or Tu. I know I sound like a big Dana-hater right now, but she really needs to do better than this. She needs to wake tf up, put some excitement in her face, and perhaps try to pose. Natural beauty can only take you so far girl.

5. Pim

Ugh, okay, I am officially bored. The remainder of the pictures this week do not interest me. Pim is here strictly because her picture has the least problematic flaws (of my bottom three). This is not a bad picture of Pim per se. I don’t think she looks bad here, I just don’t think she stands out. Monika steals this picture for me (by literally doing nothing), as Pim stands there with those ugly-ass red socks and stares into the distance. Yeah– I’m a little confused by the facial expression, not sure what she is looking at. Same goes with the pose: it’s a little clunky and I think Pim looks overwhelmed by everything. Despite all this criticism, fortunately for Pim, there are definitely worse pictures than this from this photoshoot.

6. Jachin (Eliminated)

No. ): I am super upset by this elimination. Jachin was delivering! Her first slip-up and this is what they do– eliminate her?! That’s absolutely frustrating and unfortunate, but what are you gonna do? There’s like always at least one or two (foreshadowing, sadly) robs on Asia’s Next Top Model. It’s sad it had to be Jachin this week, but oof, this picture is not cute! Jachin’s not really doing much here, Shikin steals the picture easily. It just looks like Jachin is standing there as she holds the 5+ accessories they gave her; there’s no dynamism in the pose, there’s no dynamism in the facial expression, she’s not really doing anything at all. She looks tired and dead, completely uninterested, and those yellow eyebrows don’t look good. However, I do not think this is the worst picture of the week! Nor do I think Jachin should have been eliminated for this.

7. Vy

I kinda hate this a lot– which sucks because Vy has been improving so much these last few weeks!! But this is a definite yikes. I just hate everything that Vy is doing here. The pose, the way she is gripping her dress, the full face and mouth wide open– it’s all unfortunate. Plus, Vy looks so mini next to Shikin! Shikin is, what, 5’9” (I think?) so Vy’s gotta be like 5’5” to 5’7” in height. 5’6”-ish is not the appropriate height for an editorial model and I think it is really apparent in this picture. I would have been completely fine if Vy received the boot for this; bummed this stayed over Jachin.

1. Jachin (3.0) 3/1/2/5/1/6 – (Eliminated Week 6)
2. Mia (3.3) 1/2/1/6/7/3
3. Beauty (4.0) 2/5/7/3/6/1
4. Adela (4.7) 8/7/5/1/5/2
5. Vy (4.7) 7/4/3/4/3/7
6. Dana (5.0) 5/8/4/7/2/4
7. Pim (5.5) 11/3/8/2/4/5
8. Rubini (6.8) 4/9/6/8 – (Eliminated Week 4)
9. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
10. Han (8.4) 9/6/10/9/8 – (Eliminated Week 5)
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (10.7) 12/11/9 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Adela: 0
Beauty: 0
Dana: 0
Han: 3
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 0
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 1

Estetica Skin Care Beauty


This is a cute photoshoot! I like how white and bright the shoot is, it’s definitely a different vibe compared to last week’s boxing photoshoot. That’s really all I have to say about this photoshoot, though. I’m not the biggest fan of commercial photography, and while I do not think that this is bad at all, I’m bored and somewhat underwhelmed. A few girls did really well, a few did not. I think the girl I’m giving first call-out really deserves it, but as a whole I am not very invested in this photoshoot. We did receive a very deserving and good elimination, though, so that’s good!

1. Jachin

Absolutely beautiful. Jachin completely radiates from this picture and completely stole this photoshoot from everyone else. Her skin looks stunning! This is one of the few pictures that immediately reads as skin care, and I gotta give it up to Jachin’s beautiful skin for that. Her smile is cute, she looks endearing. I enjoy the way she is positioning her arms next to her head. It looks like she’s looking into the camera and softly flirting with the viewer, I dig it. A very commercial and strong image, for sure.

2. Dana

Dana won brand ambassador for this, and I do think that it’s pretty deserved. Jachin, Dana, Vy, and Pim all did really well this week, but I just think Jachin’s image is on a whole different level. Dana, Vy, and Pim I feel like all performed pretty on par, with Dana doing just ever so slightly better. The over-the-shoulder smile is really cute and commercial. Dana herself is a very commercial model and it makes sense for her to nail this. I do think she could have done a little bit more with her body– maybe show off her skin more since this is a skin care ad? Regardless, it’s a pretty strong picture from Dana.

3. Vy

Another pretty strong image, an image that could have easily gotten second call-out. I like virtually everything about this– Vy’s face is beautiful and youthful, I love her smile, it looks fairly natural. Beautiful hair, long neck. The pose could be a bit better, I think the sitting on the chair with her arm on the couch’s arm reads as a bit contrived and posed. The smile makes the picture a little cheesy. However, as a whole I think it works pretty well! For a commercial picture, this is pretty good, and I’m surprised Vy is doing as well as she is.

4. Pim

And this is the third picture of the week that could have easily gotten my second call-out! This is beautiful. Pim is radiating here and definitely looks like a model. Her face is beautiful. The pose is solid; not anything crazy, not anything bad. I think the hand being in the air is a little unnatural, but everything else about this picture makes sense and looks right. I can’t really clock much about this picture. It’s pretty good, not necessarily remarkable.

5. Adela

Unfortunately for Adela, I don’t think that she really stands out this week. This picture is decent, it’s not bad at all. Adela has a pretty commercial face and so she can’t really screw up a commercial photoshoot. Her face looks cute though I definitely think that she could have done better or more with her expression. The pose, too, could be better. The arms are a bit awkward and I do think her body lacks elongation because of the pose. Adela is a very beautiful and commercial but I am underwhelmed with this.

6. Beauty

Yikes, Beauty. This is not good. Definitely my least favorite picture of Beauty on Asia’s Next Top Model. The smile looks fake and overdone– I hate the fact so much of her teeth are showing, her mouth takes up so much of her face. Also, what is she looking at? I think the picture would have been better if Beauty just looked at the camera. She can’t smile for pictures. The pose doesn’t really take or add to the picture, she’s kinda just there looking totally unnatural with her fake-ass smile. It’s kind of an annoying picture, though not as bad as the next two.

7. Mia

Ugh, Mia, baby girl, what’s happening? This is not the Mia that I’m used to. I’m surprised to see her in the bottom two for a commercial photoshoot! As much as I love Mia, this picture definitely is deserving of bottom two, though. Mia just looks… uncomfortable. Her smile looks completely contrived– actually, it looks like she is faking a smile while actually being sad. There lacks any sort of intensity of happiness in Mia’s eyes, and I think her mouth is tense, too. The pose doesn’t help the vibe this picture is giving off either. It looks like Mia is hugging her body, losing elongation, and closing herself off (just like Adela did with her pose).

8. Han (Eliminated)

Okay, this is rough. I actually don’t think Han’s smile in this looks very fake or contrived. Good for her for having that over her competitors, this picture does look fairly realistic. I guess the thing I can’t get behind is simply Han’s look. She’s not a very attractive girl to me, quite bland visually actually, and it really shows here. Han’s not doing anything remarkable in this picture, she’s just smiling, and while that is what a lot of the girls in this photoshoot are doing, Han’s beauty lacks to compensate for the uninteresting posing and facial expression. I just don’t care for this picture whatsoever. It’s not a remarkable, modelesque image. Completely deserving of elimination.

1. Jachin (2.4) 3/1/2/5/1
2. Mia (3.4) 1/2/1/6/7
3. Vy (4.2) 7/4/3/4/3
4. Beauty (4.6) 2/5/7/3/6
5. Dana (5.2) 5/8/4/7/2
6. Adela (5.2) 8/7/5/1/5
7. Pim (5.6) 11/3/8/2/4
8. Rubini (6.8) 4/9/6/8 – (Eliminated Week 4)
9. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
10. Han (8.4) 9/6/10/9/8 – (Eliminated Week 5)
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (10.7) 12/11/9 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Adela: 0
Beauty: 0
Dana: 0
Han: 3
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 0
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 0

80s Wrestling Mania


Whenever I start a cover on Asia’s Next Top Model, someone needs to stop me immediately, because I tend to start a season of AsNTM and abruptly stop, no longer blogging for so many months. Not sure whether it’s coincidental, but this season definitely has not helped in making me want to blog. Nonetheless, I want to finish it now. I have some time on me, and I miss blogging. Might as well start where I left off.

So, week four of Asia’s Next Top Model season four is 80s wrestling mania, and this is pretty good. I mean, compared to what we are getting recently with Top Model photoshoots, this is nice. Not a standout photoshoot whatsoever though; I am never really a fan of the boxing photoshoots, I feel like they are sort of overdone. The neon clothing is a nice change and I really think that aspect of the photoshoot livens it up (aka the bright colors). The execution is also nice! I think about half of the girls delivered fairly impressive photoshoots. Only one pair really sucked, so that’s pretty good execution as a whole.

1. Adela

Adela looks stunning here, and this is the step-up that I really needed from her. There is nothing to really fault about Adela’s performance this week. She looks in-control, all of her limbs are moving but don’t appear contrived. She looks like she is legitimately boxing. The expression sells the pose even more. She looks dominant, frustrated, snarled. I believe Tyra would peg this “ugly pretty.” It’s a really solid performance from Adela this week– she looks so cute in neon colors as well!

2. Pim

Pim looks like an athlete here– a very impressive pose and body! I didn’t know that Pim had this in her, but she finally delivered a very strong image! Her body is super elongated, I love how her legs look in those neon pick leggings. Pim works the clothing and makes boxing look very modelesque, there’s really nothing I can peg about this performance either. However, I do wish we could see more of Pim’s face; I wish she was less focused on Jachin.

3. Beauty

This is quite wonderful, though I’m entirely waiting for Beauty to go off and do better than third place. As we wait, I suppose this is pretty good though. Long, powerful body, Beauty certainly outshadows Dana here. Beauty looks like the model in charge, dominating the image, and Dana looks like her prop, totally frail. What adds to the power is definitely Beauty’s expression. She looks absolutely beautiful, intense but still modelesque. The body, while stunning, is a little tense and stiff, though. That’d probably be my only criticism for this.

4. Vy

Vy is cute. I like this a lot. The pink and stripes is a nice combo and I think it’s fitting for Vy I like that Vy was paired up with Adela– I think their energies and vibes certainly match one another. They look the most youthful out of any pair. But, in the same right, Adela completely outshadows Vy here. Vy’s face is strong and powerful, but Adela’s is stunning and more realistic. Vy’s pose takes up a good portion of the frame, but my eyes still go straight to Adela. A very cute and strong performance from Vy nonetheless.

5. Jachin

Oop! The first time Jachin is ranked outside, what, my top three? Yeah, I don’t really feel this picture as much as some others do. I think Jachin’s body is alright– she’s kinda just flailing there next to Pim. Her proportions look nice, but she’s not really doing much. The face and hair are a bit… crunchy for me, personally. I think Jachin’s expression is a bit much (perhaps a little contrived) and that snarl reads as ugly ugly, not ugly pretty. I think, as a whole, Jachin’s performance is pretty good, but she just looks a little out of place (at least compared to Pim).

6. Mia

Both Jachin and Mia seem to take a hit this week in COAs– this picture of Mia is pretty damn dull. This is not up to the expectations that Mia has set for herself and automatically I like this even less because of it. What could have been… I get Mia does not really have the best look for a boxing photoshoot, but it’s not like that matters, because Mia’s entire face gets lost in that ridiculous expression. This image looks staged, and I do think Mia’s contrived expression helps support that. What makes up for Mia’s performance this week is definitely her body though– it looks good! Elongated, slender, proportionate. She could be doing something different with her right arm, but I’m not really mad at it.

7. Dana

So Dana has two pictures this week. Not really sure why, I don’t know if she was rated on one of her pictures or both of her pictures. Regardless, I think that both images are pretty on par with one another. There is nothing Dana is really doing in either picture that sets the other apart; I would rank them both about this place. Dana looks pretty crappy in her picture with Beauty. She’s totally overshadowed, her body is awkward, and I hate that we see so much of the white in her eye(s). Dana is doing a bit more in the picture with Dana so automatically I think I like it more. The pose is more intricate, Dana is dominating more of the frame and doesn’t seem as awkward. Mia still overshadows Dana in this photoshoot just as Beauty did, but not nearly to the same extent.

8. Rubini (Eliminated)

Okay, now this picture just sucks. I wish I could give two elimination votes, because both of these performances just blend together for me. They are in their own league compared to the other pictures. Fortunately for Rubini, Rubini fairs off better this week compared to Han though. I think Rubini benefits from the fact more of the attention in this picture is put on Han, and frankly Han is just doing worse than her. That’s really the only reason Rubini finds her outside of receiving my elimination vote– Han looks worse than her. Other than that, I hate Rubini’s face here, she looks weak and lost, and the pose lacks any sort of oomph. She’s just locked arms with Han, as Han does something way more interesting as jumps.. Boring. Deserved elimination, but Han could have went too.

9. Han

This is unfortunate. Han does not look good here. Her face looks completely bland and lacking intensity. She looks lifeless. Same goes with the pose. Even though she is jumping and doing something that is more interesting than what Rubini is doing in terms of pose, she looks completely lifeless and uncomfortable. I hate the fist in the air, her legs look cumbersome. There’s just nothing about Han’s performance that I can find myself remotely complimenting and for that it is deserving of an elimination vote.

1. Mia (2.5) 1/2/1/6
2. Jachin (2.8) 3/1/2/5
3. Beauty (4.3) 2/5/7/3
4. Vy (4.5) 7/4/3/4
5. Adela (5.3) 8/7/5/1
6. Pim (6.0) 11/3/8/2
7. Dana (6.0) 5/8/4/7
8. Rubini (6.8) 4/9/6/8 – (Eliminated Week 4)
9. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
10. Han (8.5) 9/6/10/9
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (10.7) 12/11/9 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Adela: 0
Beauty: 0
Dana: 0
Han: 2
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 0
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 0

Subaru Ads


Here it is: the quintessential Subaru photoshoot of the season. I don’t really care for the Subaru photoshoots of Asia’s Next Top Model; a lot of them resonate as tacky. However, I do think this is one of the better shoots for Subaru. I enjoy the mansion setting, it’s very expensive. The styling is also very strong. Virtually all of the girls look good in one aspect or another, because they’re supported by strong stylings. The execution is pretty solid too — no one did horrendous. As I said, all the girls look good in one aspect or another. There’s only a few pictures that I think are absolutely gawgess, though. Regardless, good with execution, with a fantastic elimination. This might be one of the strongest weeks in the competition overall.

1. Mia

This was a no-brainer. Mia absolutely destroyed her competitors. This picture truly is flaw-free to me. The body, the face, the interaction between her and the dog, the interaction between her and the car — it’s all perfect, especially for an ad like Subaru. First of all, bitch looks tall. I love that they gave her an outfit in which her long legs can be on display. Speaking of outfits, I love this one; Mia’s body looks fantastic in it. I love how the bodice gives her torso some shape. Mia’s face is strong, as well. I’m not really one that cares for huge-grin, smile-y, commercial photos, but Mia makes it work here. She sure does have one nice-ass, conventional smile. She was made for commercial modeling. This is stellar.

2. Jachin

It feels like I always have the same top two… But do I care? Mia and Jachin truly blew their competitors away in the first few weeks of the competition. Jachin’s body looks amazing here. She’s giving her body shape and yet appears so natural in her stance. The dress looks beautiful on her. I love the asymmetrical stress on her shoulders. Her collarbones look amazing. The length of her neck is definitely a nice feat. The face, too, is absolutely breathtaking. She wears the makeup well, the hair is styled well, and the sultry glance she’s giving the camera is hot. Literally my only negative critique about this picture is Jachin’s jawline, or the lack thereof. I wish her jawline was a little bit more defined, seeing as her neck does have so much length to it.

3. Vy

A dip in quality, most definitely. But regardless, this is still really solid. Vy looks so adorable here — the smile is nice, the movement of the dress is very girly. This picture screams youth, and I quite like it for that fact, because it has a different vibe than a lot of the other pictures this week. I’m not particularly fond of the placement of her arms as she somewhat loses the shape of her upper body, but I just love how light and cutesy this is. The dog certainly helps Vy achieve this cuteness, too. She seems to be having a good time. The dog seems to be having a good time. It’s a very happy and refreshing ad, perfect for the photoshoot.

4. Dana

Dana was in the bottom two for this — and I completely disagree. This is quite stunning! Firstly, Dana’s face is absolutely gorgeous here. There’s something very sly and mysterious yet beautiful about her expression. The way she looks at the camera just oozes sex appeal. The body I’m a little bit iffy on, though. There are aspects of the pose that I both like and dislike. I do like the fact Dana went more unconventional with the posing. The closed off body certain intensifies the slyness of her expression, and the way she placed her arms is actually quite flattering. I’m just not really sure if walking away from the camera was a good idea in concept. This picture just doesn’t resonate as an advertisement that is supposed to engage the audience; Dana looks a little disconnected from the rest of the frame. Still, didn’t deserve bottom two.

5. Adela

I’m glad to see another improvement from Adela, but geez — the girl’s portfolio pales in comparison to her Philippine’s Next Top Model portfolio. Okay, so this picture is good. It’s definitely Adela’s best picture in the competition thus far. I enjoy the body. I like that outfit. I like the shape that it gives Adela’s body. The pose is nice too — very caught-in-the-moment and natural looking. I do think she looks a little bit on the shorter side, but regardless, a solid body. The face is solid, too. I like how the eyeliner looks on her face. I like the inhale. Not the biggest fan of the lack of hair styling they gave her, but as I said, it’s a solid face. Nothing’s really wrong here per se, I’m just not blown away.

6. Rubini

This is another good picture. Not great, nor much of a standout, though. I think Rubini’s body looks really nice here. The way that dress cinches her body is very sexy and appealing. I do wish that her pose took up a little bit more of the frame and was less timid, though. Moreover, I wish the face was angled differently. This angle is a little awkward for her features. I mean, Rubini’s features don’t look bad here at all, I just think the expression is disconnected from the rest of the picture. The inhale is nice, I love Rubini’s cheekbones here, but the fact she’s looking away from the camera makes me like this picture less.

7. Beauty

I’m not so sure if I understand the hate this one gets for this picture. Yes, this isn’t the Beauty we’re used to; this is perhaps one of her weakest pictures in her portfolio. I’ll repeat, THIS is one of her weakest pictures in her portfolio. It’s not bad at all. The face is a little harsh and expressionless. I could see how some think Beauty looks like a drag queen here, but I disagree. I just think her features can photograph as harsher and more masculine sometimes. Regardless, with any problems I find with the face, the body definitely makes up for them. The pose is certainly a cliche model’s pose, but come one? Her body looks hot. I love the shape of her body in that dress.

8. Pim

I’m sure a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one… I don’t really care for this all too much. I feel like the best aspect about this picture is the dog — he (was about to say “it” but then saw a penis) is so fucking adorable. I think the composition of this picture is fantastic for what the dog is doing here, not necessarily what Pim is doing. Her body looks solid, yeah, but there’s nothing really spectacular about her pose. She shows off the outfit well, she wears the outfit well, but that’s really all the positives I have to say about Pim’s body here. I think the face is worse than the body. It just looks like she has somewhat of a lazy eye to me. It also doesn’t look like Pim is looking at the camera to me here — and I feel like that simply draws that much more attention to her eyes.

9. Jesslyn (Eliminated)

Jesslyn finally doesn’t get an elimination vote from me and she goes home… Figures. This is OK. The face and body are neither bad, I just have nothing good to really say about this. Jesslyn does indeed look cute. The smile looks real, her body looks alright, and I really dig that outfit. But this picture just screams amateur to me. The side-way glance and smile is a little tacky. The lifted leg is, too. The fact she, the dog, and the audience are disconnected from each other doesn’t help either. I just don’t think this is a very successful ad for Subaru. Overall, I agree with Jesslyn finally getting the chop. ‘Bout time!

10. Han

This isn’t absolutely disgusting, but come on… That face. No henny. It’s just not cute. I’ve already said before how Han essentially has a butterface (beautiful body, basic-ass, dull face), but I feel like it’s more on display than ever before here. Han’s body does look nice. She is tall and slender. The outfit fits her extremely well — and I do very much enjoy what she is wearing and how she is modeling it with her pose. But the face is such a boner killer. It’s just so cheesy and tacky. That expression does not help her face look any better than it already does; it’s quite unflattering. The huge smile resonates as artificial to me, and it really pulls down the rest of the image being that it is such an eyesore. Luckily the girl has a nice body, because otherwise this would have been so much worse.

1. Mia (1.3) 1/2/1
2. Jachin (2.0) 3/1/2
3. Vy (4.7) 7/4/3
4. Beauty (4.7) 2/5/7
5. Dana (5.7) 5/8/4
6. Rubini (6.3) 4/9/6
7. Adela (6.7) 8/7/5
8. Pim (7.3) 11/3/8
9. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
10. Han (8.3) 9/6/10
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (10.7) 12/11/9 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Adela: 0
Beauty: 0
Dana: 0
Han: 1
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 0
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 0

Black & White Swans


I think this is a good photoshoot. I like the concept a lot — juxtaposing black and white swans. I’m not the biggest fan of group photoshoots, but I suppose that is fairly unavoidable provided the concept. I think what’s most problematic with this photoshoot is the execution. It’s not that great. I like about half of these pictures to some extent, but 50 percent is, indeed, a failing grade~ Also, the girls who got styled as black swans received far better stylings. Some of the white swans look straight up ugly. The elimination was fine — the girl’s picture sucks highkey, but I would have preferred another girl’s eliminated instead.

1. Jachin

Jachin fucking slayed this week. She looks so good here — BY FAR the strongest of the white swans. I could see how some would view her body as problematic in that she lost her one leg and her body looks lowkey like a white blob, but I don’t mind at all. I like the pose. I think it’s subtle and angelic, perfect for a white swan. I absolutely adore how her arms parallel the direction she pointed her one leg. It draws emphasis to her limbs, making the fact her one leg is amputated fine for me. I also thoroughly enjoy Jachin’s face here. It’s definitely an improvement from last week. She looks young and beautiful. And those white feathers around her eyes don’t wash her out one bit! I actually think she looks really good with them. Great week for Jachin.

2. Mia

Another strong week for Mia; she surely started off exceptionally well. I like this picture, but solely because of Mia. She looks beautiful here. Super, super long and lanky. The pose isn’t anything eye-catching or extreme, but I think her body looks really strong — and she wears the outfit very well. The face is very strong too and certainly gives the illusion of a mysterious, dark, black swan. Her expression is fierce. She wears the makeup well. Not totally sure where Mia is looking at here, but nonetheless it’s a strong image. I perhaps would have liked a little bit more neck, though.

3. Pim

And here we have Vy and Pim — the only two girls who thought it was a good idea to actually interact with one another. This is my favorite photo of the week I think. I say I think mainly because I do think Jachin and Beauty’s image is pretty strong, too. But perhaps that’s namely because Jachin did the best of the week for me. Screw talking about everyone else, though, this is Pim’s time. Pim did really well this and I could not be HAPPIER. She finally is living up to her potential. Bar the skinny arms, I think Pim’s body is very strong. The dress looks really nice on her. I’m a little confused about the open hand that looks like it’s about to grip the “FOXlife” logo, but it’s not too much of an eyesore. The bottom half of Pim’s body is certainly stronger than the upper half. I do enjoy Pim’s face here too, though the strained neck bothers me. I just am not a fan of seeing veins in necks, but otherwise the bitch looks good facially.

4. Vy

And now, Vy. Vy had a solid performance this week. Her body is strong. I think the pose resonates the prowess of a black swan. The dress looks nice and flowy. I like the fact Vy’s one hand grips onto Pim’s hand. It’s as if she’s trying to pull her to the dark side. The face is pretty decent. I love that black choker on her neck. I like Vy’s jawline here, as well. I’m not the biggest fan of the angle of her face here and I would have liked a little bit more intensity in her eyes. I also do wish Vy fixated less of her attention on Pim, too. Not only is Vy grabbing her hand but Vy’s eyes are directed toward Pim, making my eyes also go to Pim. When I look at Pim, my eyes don’t directly go to Vy, because Pim’s doing her own thang — which is why I ranked Pim above Vy.

5. Beauty

So, Beauty is an unusual case this week since she has two pictures. I’m not sure if one or the other or both pictures were judged for elimination (I only watched the first episode of the season so far), so I’m just going to rank them both together. That said, I do like both of these pictures of Beauty. I do, however, prefer how she looks with Rubini over how she looks with Jachin. She definitely steals the picture from Rubini. Her face looks absolutely beautiful, and I think her body looks strong here, as well. What she’s doing with the dress certainly makes her pose look a lot more dynamic; the pose, in itself, isn’t the most elaborate, but I think her body looks good nonetheless. With that being said, why is Beauty ranked fifth? Well, because of her picture with Jachin. It’s still good, don’t get me wrong, but the pose is a bit messy — and her face is disconnected from the image. Altogether, I give Beauty a B this week.

6. Han

A definite improvement from Han this week! I absolutely LOVE Han’s body here. The pose is nice; the risen leg draws emphasis to her legs, making her look all that much taller. I really like the flowing fabric too, it makes the pose even bigger and better. I like what Han is doing with the dress. I like the dress. I like the black pigment on Han’s chest. The body is A1 overall. The face, however, is super fucking basic. I’m not a fan. She doesn’t wear the black feathers well, I hate how Han’s hair looks here, and the tension in her mouth is certainly observable. Han just has such a BORING and BASIC look. Meh. This is probably Han’s strongest picture in the competition, so don’t expect her ranked this high that often (if sixth place is even high? Lol).

7. Adela

THIS got first call-out this week. I mean, like Adela is cute and all, I’m a fan, but really? This picture, overall, just isn’t very good. There’s absolutely zero connection between Adela and Iko, they’re both just doing their own thing. Adela, herself, looks a bit basic here, too. Better than Iko, for sure, but neither Adela’s face nor her body WOW me here. I think I prefer her face to her body — there’s some intensity in her expression, her cheekbones look good. Adela just has really basic features; other girls this season look far more exotic, or at least their looks EXCITE me. This doesn’t quite excite me. I think Adela’s pose is good conceptually. She doing something with all her limbs and the dress looks fine on her, but I really dislike what she’s doing with her arms here. Those hands, namely, look awful. It’s like she thought: “Hm, how do I pose my body so that I take up more of the frame from Iko?” I’m just not moved, this is just OK.

8. Dana

I’m really starting to lose interest in these pictures. Dana did fine this well. Fine, again. Fine, always. I like the composition of this image, in that Dana takes up half the frame while Han takes up the other half. I think that, just like Han, Dana’s pose is strong here. I namely like how she positioned her hands — they look angelic and soft, reminiscent of a white swan. The face is kinda just meh, though. Her expression is just so DULL. Her features look basic as fuck, and she’s literally not emoting ANYTHING at all. I would have liked if she kept her mouth shut completely and if her eyes just had a tad bit intensity. It would have helped her face so much.

9. Rubini
Adela and Dana’s pictures may be super basic, but Rubini did it: she produced the most basic picture of the week. This is literally so damn forgettable. Beauty looks fucking amazing here, totally overshadowing Rubini. Rubini is just standing there, throwing a peace sign up in the air. Not really that interesting at all. The makeup doesn’t look particularly good, I really don’t care for that hair, and the face isn’t giving me much either. The angle makes the lower half of her face larger than the upper half; her eyes essentially look shut. I don’t like the visible front teeth too much either. Overall, I’m just NOT impressed at all. This is not the Rubini we saw last week, but at least this isn’t atrocious. My bottom two did far worse.

10. Iko (Eliminated)

So, Iko was eliminated — and I think it was deserving. Her picture in week one was definitely a strong one, but this is just awful. There’s no saving qualities to this picture. The only thing that “saves” Iko from elimination for me this week is the fact that I think one picture is just a tad bit worse than hers. Otherwise, the pose is whack. I’m confused why she’s doing the mummy pose. The lifted leg, the arms — it just registers as very peculiar to me. And the face certainly does not save this picture either. It’s completely dead. There’s no intensity in her eyes. And her features just don’t excite me to the extent that they did last week because of that. Her look appears a bit unconventional, but that unconventionality isn’t captured well here. She just looks fugly.

11. Jesslyn

Two weeks in a row Jesslyn performs the weakest of the bunch for me. Iko and Jesslyn’s pictures both suck, but unfortunately for Jesslyn she gets my elimination vote for this week. There’s just zero redeeming qualities about this picture. The body sucks. Her “pose” is virtually nonexistent and I really don’t like that dress on her. I’m a bit confused why the dress is on the verge of being beige. But I’m even more confused why she’s pulling the dress away from the torso, giving the dress a funky ass shape. The face, too, sucks. Her expression resonates as if she’s in pain. The tension in the neck, the open mouth, those ugly white feathers — NO. Gross.

1. Mia (1.5) 1/2
2. Jachin (2.0) 3/1
3. Beauty (3.5) 2/5
4. Vy (5.5) 7/4
5. Dana (6.5) 5/8
6. Rubini (6.5) 4/9
7. Pim (7.0) 11/3
8. Han (7.5) 9/6
9. Adela (7.5) 8/7
10. Iko (8.0) 6/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
11. Sharnie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12. Jesslyn (11.5) 12/11

Adela: 0
Beauty: 0
Dana: 0
Han: 0
Iko: 0
Jachin: 0
Jesslyn: 2
Mia: 0
Pim: 0
Rubini: 0
Sharnie: 0
Vy: 0

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