Life-Size Dolls


This is a cute shoot idea and clearly inspired by Tyra’s Life-Size Disney movie with Lindsay Lohan. Speaking of which, there will apparently be a sequel to that movie; obviously Tyra is trying to hold onto the slight relevance she has by doing the sequel 17 years after its original airing but I digress. I like this shoot; the execution is pretty solid, there’s some really good pictures this week, but I could have definitely gone without all the tacky font and wording. “H2T-eed Up,” “Booch N’Baller,” “Tyra Taught Me Tooch,” Jesus fucking Christ, kill me now. HOWEVER! Beautiful elimination. With those two ratchets out, this final seven is actually really good — too bad they have to go and ruin it by bringing Dustin back the following episode, but we’ll get to that later~

1) Lacey

AT LAST, Lacey receives a first call-out from me. Not going to lie, I used to love this picture a lot more than I do now. Of course I must start off a Lacey post with a negative critique, right?? For real, though, I could have gone without the duck lips. I know it’s a habit for her to go right to that expression, and while it does somewhat look good here, it’s getting awfully tiring. That aside, I really like everything else about this picture. Her body looks outstanding in that dress. I love the pop of yellow on her complexion and throughout the box overall, and she actually looks really good with that hair. It’s a very Twiggy meets Mary Quant sort of look. It’s very chic and she looks quite expensive despite receiving one of the more basic outfits of the bunch.

2) Nyle

Daddy Nyle. This is good. I’m absolutely positive that Nyle’s styling, or lack thereof, is the main reason why this picture is getting such positive feedback. His face looks hot albeit a bit derpy – I’m not going to lie – but Nyle’s shirtlessness and subsequent ability to quench every biotic and abiotic thing’s thirst present on Earth is what takes this picture to the next level. I mean, an oiled up, shirtless, and somewhat hairy dude, yes please. Who doesn’t love that? I don’t really know what else there is to talk about with regards to this picture other than Nyle’s perfectly sculpted body; it’s a good picture, not really something that’s worth a million words, but it’s definitely good for a quickie.

3) Mikey

This is a fairly basic image overall, especially in comparison to Lacey’s and Nyle’s, but I still really like this. I feel like the main reason why I love this picture so much is because of Mikey’s styling. His hair combined with the brown and green styling definitely give off a fashionable Steve Irwin sort of vibe and I dig it. He looks really hot. I love the slight bare chest showing, and I don’t think his hair has looked better. In addition to that, I am really glad we’re seeing a different angle to Mikey’s face, and I think it’s actually really good! I’m surprised he doesn’t shoot quarter-profile more often because that angle does do him justice. I don’t really have anything negative to say about this picture. Sure, I would have preferred a more interesting or dynamic pose, but then again, they were pretty restricted in that department, so this’ll do I suppose.

4) Hadassah

Nayyy goes the horse. Nah, I kid! Albeit looking slightly horsey in the face, I think this is probably Hadassah’s second best picture of the competition so far. The floral and bohemian styling looks good on Hadassah, and her skin, once again, looks superlative. There’s not very many flaws present within this picture, outside of Hadassah’s lowkey horse-like resemblance facially, but at the same time, I can’t find anything that I fully admire about this picture. Hadassah’s a cute girl. I like the exaggerated and big eyes, I like the delicate nature of her pose and arms, but there’s no one individual characteristic about this picture that I think is out of this world. There’s nothing about this picture that takes it to the level that my top three are at. It’s good but not great.

5) Justin

First off, I’m shook at the fact that Justin has the highest average at this point in the competition. I suppose doing well when a shit ton of people suck ass really does pay off in the long run! I’m kidding ofc, but this picture is very middling. It’s good, I certainly do not hate it, but I seriously do not understand why so many people enjoy this photograph of Justin. His body looks good, even in that cheap ass styling. I like the tough boy mentality and aura he gives off. I like that his tattoos actually helped in creating a dynamic storyline within the image, but outside of the strong prowess presented within his body and pose, I can’t really say that I actively love this picture. His face just looks so bland and dead that it utterly hurts. He’s not emoting anything and his eyes look misshapen.

6) Devin

While this picture of Devin is in my bottom four, I feel like this picture gets a lot more unwarranted hate than it deserves. His face and body are fairly basic and not the most interesting of the bunch, but it’s not like he did absolutely horrid. He got a golf styling, which will automatically make his picture one of the most boring images of the bunch, but he did what he could with what he was given. Perhaps he went a little too literal in showing off the golf club, but at the same time, I do think there’s a sense of control and power resonated through his pose and face. I like the shape he’s creating with his shoulders, and his face is very straightforward and direct in emotion and overall appearance. There are ways in which this picture could improve, but it’s not heinous at all.

7) Mamé

I have been a massive fan of Mame’s work up to this point, and I do think there are some positive attributes to this picture, but this is not very good. Her face is gorgeous; she has a super pretty and modelesque face so when is it not, but that body. It’s really bad. The locked knees, the fact her feet look so tiny, and the overall stiffness of her body create for such a bad pose. Moreover, while her face is super pretty and commercial here, I’m not the biggest fan. I just don’t like the fact that she went so literal for the theme. I get that they had to portray Barbies and Kens, but there’s a point where you still need to remember to model and, for me, that’s where Mame missed the mark.

8) Courtney (Eliminated)

While Courtney is no where near as heinous or unbearable as Bello is, this was certainly a much-needed elimination. I don’t mind this picture per se; I adore Courtney’s styling — she actually got the best styling of the week in my opinion, but she just looks so dead and she’s not giving me anything whatsoever. Her arms are crazy stiff, and I have never seen Barbie hands like that. Additionally, that face is beat. She looks so tired and completely over it. I don’t necessarily blame her, for she had been getting crapped on by the judges on numerous occasions by then, but it definitely does not make for an impressive image. I just think this picture can be summed up as exceptionally basic and not at all riveting, which I guess is super fitting for Courtney’s remarkably unremarkable ~brand~.

9) Bello (Eliminated)

I honestly could care less about how disastrous of an image this picture is, I am just so glad that he’s gone! It’s a bit upsetting I’ll have to see his ugly ass rat face next week, but cheers to him being eliminated this early and then not coming back! Super ecstatic about that! In regards to this picture, I truly only have one thing to say: Trash. He looks so tiny; his legs resemble that of a miniature horse, and his proportions in general are complete garbage. I absolutely despise the oiling or greasing of his skin; such effect just makes it seem like he smells of piss. And that face? Girl, I’m actually and literally hurling. Even with the greatest amount of photoshop, he looks absolutely disgusting. Good Riddance.

1) Justin (3.5) 2/3/5/5/1/5
2) Mamé (3.5) 1/6/1/3/3/7
3) Lacey (4.2) 3/11/6/2/2/1
4) Nyle (5.2) 8/9/2/6/4/2
5) Mikey (5.3) 7/2/7/7/6/3
6) Devin (5.5) 6/4/3/4/10/6
7) Ava (6.0) 4/1/11/8 – (Eliminated Week 4)
8) Ashley (6.2) 5/5/4/10/7 – (Eliminated Week 5)
9) Hadassah (7.2) 12/12/9/1/5/4
10) Courtney (8.3) 9/7/8/9/9/8 – (Eliminated Week 6)
11) Bello (9.8) 13/8/10/11/8/9 – (Eliminated Week 6)
12) Delanie (10.0) 10 – (Eliminated Week 1)
13) Stefano (12.0) 14/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)
14) Dustin (12.0) 11/13/12 – (Eliminated Week 3)

Ashley: 0
Ava: 0
Bello: 2
Courtney: 0
Delanie: 0
Devin: 1
Dustin: 2
Hadassah: 0
Justin: 0
Lacey: 0
Mamé: 0
Mikey: 0
Nyle: 0
Stefano: 1

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  1. Bello’s write up got me lmfao. Mini horse legs, rat face, and piss scent really sum him up well.

    • Thank you ❤
      I've been staying up to date with your posts as well. They're absolutely hilarious.

  2. Alejandro

     /  June 22, 2020

    perdon por mi ignorancia, pero estos personajes son juguetes que se pueden comprar o que? porque me gustan mucho, sobre todo Justin. me gusta mucho su look. Espero su respuesta. gracias


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