Look-Alike Editorial with Dogs


So this week featured the re-entering of everyone’s favorite piece of white bread: Dustin McNeer. A super dismal comeback, for sure, given the facts that his initial elimination was completely deserved and he totally did not take full advantage of the second chance he was given. But whateves, he’ll be gone shortly leaving a fairly strong top six. As for the photoshoot this week, I like it. Nothing that I would necessarily consider to be outstanding, but I can very much appreciate the simplicity of the shoot, especially over some of the tacky shoots for which ANTM has provided us gracious viewers over the past decade. Like the comeback, I’m super disappointed in the elimination as well. Surely, his photograph this week is shit, and he was such a nonentity the entire season in terms of personality and entertainment, but he was definitely one of the more consistent models of the bunch. Should have been given a bottom two scare.

1) Nyle (1)

Wow, the first time Nyle is fully dressed the entire season and he scores his first first call-out from me? Who would have thought? This picture is stunning, though. I absolutely adore the cohesion between the husky and Nyle’s deep, blue and engaging eyes. If Nyle were a dog, that husky would literally be him. Nyle’s face is definitely perfection within this picture, but I find myself slightly wanting more from his pose. It’s not bad at all; I just think there’s more that he could have done. Plus, the two dead and massive hands being at such center focus of the image isn’t necessarily my most favorite quality to this picture. However! At least we have a clear shot at Nyle’s crotch, and I am very appreciative of that.

2) Hadassah (2)

This is certainly Hadassah’s second best picture of the entire season. It’s gorgeous. I never would have thought Hadassah could look that graceful and elegant in an image. Her exorcism picture I would regard to be here best picture of the season, but even in that picture, she’s relying so heavily on her body and sex appeal. But here, she’s looking really sophisticated and modish. A transition that I very much admire. I love the way she and the dog are looking at one another, I love the way in which he positioned her hand under the dog’s mouth, I love her profile. There’s truly nothing to dislike about this picture. She looks like some expensive and high-class woman with her excessively spoiled poodle, and I’m definitely living for it.

3) Mamé (3)

I’m OBSESSED with Mamé’s face here. I think it’s the best facial expression we’ve gotten from Mamé thus far, and that’s a massive compliment, especially considering her beauty. There’s absolutely nothing to dislike about Mamé’s face; her cheekbones are surely popping, and the eye contact she has with the camera screams HBIC, which perfectly matches the badass-ness the doberman exudes. That being said, I’m a tad irked by Mamé’s body here. It’s not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be, nor do I think she looks extremely short, but it’s just slightly awkward. I mean, her legs look alright, but it’s like she’s two body adjustments away from going into a full out split. It’s just a little cumbersome for me and not necessarily the most fashionable pose.

4) Lacey (4)

Ya’ll are probably hella shook at me ranking Lacey this high especially considering the fact I’ve already made it crystal clear that I’m not one of her biggest fans, but I actually really dig this. Yes, she looks short as hell, and I’m not really a fan of the fact that both her and the dog blend in together, but I really do love Lacey’s face here. I know I’ve said it plenty of times before, that I absolutely despise this facial expression on Lacey, but I think it’s executed very well here. Her eyes don’t look lopsided or asymmetrical, I love her cleft chin, and both the hair and makeup do really help to add a sense of dynamism to the image. Lacey’s entire body is a complete flaw here, yes, but I truly would regard this image as being one of the most interesting of the week.

5) Ava

I think it goes without saying, but Ava was robbed of that comeback spot. Anyone of the first seven eliminees coming back would have probably just resulted in their immediate elimination – Ava included – but I’m far more interested in looking at pictures of Ava over Dustin, and this is my favorite picture of the eliminees easily. I love Ava’s profile here. Her nose looks a bit Clark Gilmer like, not going to lie, but I really like the stank rich bitch vibe she’s exuding via her expression. Moreover, she’s modeling the hell out of what she was given. The mug, the shirt, the dog – it all looks fantastic. That fucking mullet is absolute garbage and definitely brings down the overly sumptuous vibe from this picture, but I really dig everything else about this.

6) Dustin (Comeback)

Just when you thought he was gone, he comes right back. I’m a bit perplexed as to why they brought Dustin back. First off, he literally had to be directed from head to toe in order to get this picture which isn’t even that amazing to begin with, but moreover, he’s white trash and has absolutely no idea how to model. Like, yeah, this picture of Dustin is pretty great – easily his best of the show – but his overall performance of prior to his elimination and now has been probably the weakest of the bunch. Meh, whatever, though. Anyway, Dustin’s face looks cute here. Not necessarily the most chiseled face, but I can definitely get with it. I like the connection between him and the dog, and I can partially appreciate his pose. He’s a bit stiff and that drooping left arm is bothering me, but it’s OK. I don’t really have anything negative to say, but Ava should have came back over him without a doubt.

7) Courtney

I don’t know whether to say “yas Courtney” for delivering easily her best picture on the show or to cackle at the fact she was paired up with a Chinese crested dog, aka her literal canine doppleganger. I like this picture of Courtney. Her body finally doesn’t look completely and utterly awkward, and she’s certainly grabbing the viewer’s attention with that engaging and ferocious smize. At the same time, I do think this picture gets a bit too ugly looking for my personal taste. I just think the Chinese crested dog with that crazy nest of hair and aggressive stare makes the picture a bit psychopathic looking. She just looks like some poorly treated and creepy ass doll, which I think is a bit inappropriate for the concept of this week’s shoot. The shot just isn’t really my cup of tea.

8) Mikey (5)

Welp, Mikey’s back to his straight-on face shots. This is a severely disappointing shot. Not for the factor that I expect more from Mikey (because I truthfully don’t), but because the composition of him and the dog, as well as their blonde, long haired resemblance could have came together to create a super magical image. To say in the nicest way possible, this picture is just bland. Surely, Mikey looks good – he doesn’t ever not look good, but this expression is just so absolutely tiring after the, approximately, seventh week he’s used it. On top of that, he’s doing next to nothing with his body. He’s literally and actually just sitting there giving the camera a death stare. Once more, this is not demonstrable of his potential under any condition whatsoever.

9) Delanie

This is a really cute picture of Delanie and the poodle, but I can’t help but feel as if the poodle stole this picture. I believe the concept she was directed to do was to play-dance with the poodle and it does appear as if she’s doing that, I just think there’s a sense of disconnect between her and her canine counterpart. The poodle is seemingly presenting all of his/her attention to Delanie as Delanie is focused more so on the camera. I don’t blame Delanie for doing this, but it does take from the image’s rawness as a whole. Moreover, anatomically speaking, I don’t care for the disproportionate legs, as well as the random arm springing out of her waist. Cute face tho.

10) Stefano

Without a doubt, this is by far the most overrated picture of the week. It’s not necessarily bad per se as I do think Stefano looks fairly hot here, I just think the overall vibe from the picture is very tacky and cheap. I hate the fur coat, and the fact it doesn’t cover up his full midsection gives his outfit a cavemen sort of appearance? I’m not sure if that makes any sense whatsoever, but it’s the first thing that came to my mind. Anywho, I despise this haircut and hair color as well – it simply adds to the tacky feel I get from the rest of the picture. I just think loving this picture and going as far as saying Stefano should have came back for it is such a reach. Blankly looking at the camera and casually sitting next to a dog warrants your spot back into the competition? Yeah, I don’t think so either.

11) Devin (6)

This picture (and dog) definitely coincide with Devin’s personality – quirky, unusual, and an endearing level of awkwardness. That’s not to say the visual depiction of his personality makes for a good picture, however! I don’t hate this at all; I just think that, alongside a few of the other images this week, it could have been executed much better. I don’t mind the body language too much, but I don’t care for how he’s holding the dog, nor do I like how massive his hand looks. The face isn’t absolutely repulsive either. I quite like how defined his cheekbones and jawline look – and the shape of his head actually looks decent here – but the scowl of the eyebrows combined with the purposefully enhanced eye size doesn’t look very attractive.

12) Bello

I love Huskies, and I hate Bello. Is placing Bello in the bottom three for this picture primarily fueled by bias? Most likely, but IDGAF. Sue me.

13) Ashley

Of all the eliminated contestants, the contestant I most was excited to see one final picture from was Ashley, so I’m obviously very disappointed by these results. It’s a bad picture, but by no means would I categorize it as being awful. I just think it’s so forgettable to the point where it’s bad. In addition, I don’t care for Ashley’s expression here. I suppose she looks somewhat pretty, but this picture doesn’t showcase the beauty of her face whatsoever. We can somewhat see Ashley’s stunning square jawline on the right side of her face, but the tense mouth and widened eyes gives the impression that she’s almost scared. The fact the chihuahua looks like he’s in the process of pissing himself doesn’t help that impression either.

14) Justin (7) (Eliminated)

On an entertainment basis, I didn’t care for Justin at all; however, that doesn’t at all keep me from thinking that he was robbed. Yes, this picture is worthy of an elimination – it’s really bad, but aside from this week, his performances up to this point have been fantastic and perhaps the most consistent of the bunch. One slip up and he’s eliminated. Quite hapless, because before now he was definitely rivaling Mame and Lacey for best portfolio of the season. It goes without saying but the awkwardness of this picture is especially apparent. The body position, the way his head is angled, the dog being placed right in between his legs, the tired eyes – it’s really unfortunate. What’s even more unfortunate, though, is that Dustin was replaced for Justin, which is an obvious downgrade regardless of how dry Justin is for reality television.

1) Mamé (3.4) 1/6/1/3/3/7/3
2) Lacey (4.1) 3/11/6/2/2/1/4
3) Nyle (4.6) 8/9/2/6/4/2/1
4) Justin (5.0) 2/3/5/5/1/5/14 – (Eliminated Week 7)
5) Mikey (5.7) 7/2/7/7/6/3/8
6) Ava (5.8) 4/1/11/8/5 – (Eliminated Week 4)
7) Devin (6.3) 6/4/3/4/10/6/11
8) Hadassah (6.4) 12/12/9/1/5/4/2
9) Ashley (7.3) 5/5/4/10/7/13 – (Eliminated Week 5)
10) Courtney (8.1) 9/7/8/9/9/8/7 – (Eliminated Week 6)
11) Delanie (9.5) 10/9 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12) Bello (10.1) 13/8/10/11/8/9/12 – (Eliminated Week 6)
13) Dustin (10.5) 11/13/12/6
14) Stefano (11.3) 14/10/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)

Ashley: 0
Ava: 0
Bello: 2
Courtney: 0
Delanie: 0
Devin: 1
Dustin: 2
Hadassah: 0
Justin: 1
Lacey: 0
Mamé: 0
Mikey: 0
Nyle: 0
Stefano: 1

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  1. Huh, you came back. I agree of the most places, but seriously? I don’t get the critique of Mame’s shot, but okay. Agree so far with top 3 on averages.

  2. Andrew

     /  June 15, 2017

    Work @ the sudden revival of blogs

    Bello’s lengthy commentary LMAO. I want to know in detail why you hate Bello so freaking much, so I’m looking forward to your recap post lol.

    • Yess, I got a ton of free-time this summer (especially early summer), so I’m hoping I can update some in the time that I do have.

      With regards to Bello, eh, his write-up in the recap post might end up being 1-3 sentences in length too. Who knows?

      • Andrew

         /  June 16, 2017

        Yay! Looking forward to daily dose of Nyan 😛

        Please write more for Bello in the recap post! A lot of people dislike him without explaining why. For me it’s because he lied about his eyes, but it doesn’t seem like the main reason for others.

      • I personally don’t like him because he’s so fake and starts shit constantly but w/o an ounce of justification. In addition, he isn’t funny, like at all, when it comes to him creating drama; she sounds exceptionally extra and delusional but it’s DRAINING. It’s not entertaining and when Hadassah clocked him during this week’s episode I was zsnap’ing all the way home. Bello just sucks in all ways humanly imaginative – he sucks not only as a model but also as a human being.

      • Andrew

         /  June 20, 2017

        Just checked his Instagram and damn it if his posts aren’t cringe-worthy. And how are Ava and him still close?

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