Like the Living Life-Size Dolls shoot a couple weeks back, this “BOOTYful” music video is clearly Tyra’s attempt to relive her youthful years. I totally get flashbacks to “Shake Your Body” from cycle two (as do a lot of other people). Unlike many of ANTM’s more recent music videos, I actually don’t mind this one at all. I quite liked it actually! Surely, it’s tacky and not the best way for a model to showcase their modeling abilities, but it was entertaining, and I thought more than half of the models did great jobs. The music video had choreography, a storyline, solid lyrics, and a fantastic beat. It’s certainly a bop for a song. On top of that, the elimination was awesome. A great top six and a great week overall. No complaints honestly.

1) Lacey

I know that a few people are going to disagree with me here, but hear me out. Devin, Dustin, Hadassah, Mamé, Mikey, and Nyle all had very similar performances, in that they had to be rhythmic, dance, fiercely “work that hallway like a runway,” etc. Lacey, on the other hand, had to act and present a story within the music video, for which she could have either done horrendous at, ultimately bringing the entire video down as a whole, or excelled in. And for me, I think her performance, and moreover, amazing ability to act definitely helped to make this music video even better. Yes, the hair is distracting in some bits and she does need to work a tad bit on her walk, but her face looked stunning all throughout, her acting was A1, and I loved the bit at the end with her and Tyra.

2) Mamé

Mamé’s performance this week was everything I could have possibly asked for: she looked amazing and like a model but yet still maintained an entertainment factor that kept me, the viewer, from getting bored. She’s the perfect sort of video girl (shockingly). She knows when to provide sass and attitude – as seen in the above gif – and she can also class it up, like when she’s walking down the runway at the end of the video. Regardless of what she was told to do, however, she still maintained her effortless beauty. Her face looked radiant during the entire thing and she knew exactly how and where to place her body. Mad props to her.

3) Devin

By no means did Devin look nearly as hot as, say, Nyle or Mikey in this music video, but what I do appreciate about his performance is how lively and extra he was. Perhaps he didn’t look the most like the cliche “male model,” but what he did provide was a performance. I was thoroughly entertained all throughout. There wasn’t a moment I was bored with his bits. He wasn’t just entertaining, but he was also very calculated in his movements (as seen in the above gif and his dancing in the hallway). He had musicality and rhythm, but it still came off incredibly natural.

4) Nyle

Like with the Boom, Boom, Boom deodorant videos, I’m genuinely impressed Nyle was able to do so well this week. Given the fact that he has proven time and time again that his deafness does not limit his potential and ability, I’m not going to grade or critique Nyle’s performance on a handicap. A lot of people think Nyle did the best this week and I have to disagree. Surely, he hit virtually every beat and looked incredibly hot all throughout, but he certainly was not the star of the music video. In addition, when he walked down the hallway lip-syncing to the song in American Sign, I really didn’t care for how in your face he was. I wish there was more fluidity or musicality with his movements.

5) Mikey

I seriously don’t understand the love for Mikey’s performance this week. He looked good and provided an adequate enough attitude for the given music video, but I just think there was something missing from his performance to set it to the next level. For instance, I loved how he slammed upon the door in the hallway, but as he progressed down the hall, his energy seemingly dimmed. In addition, the side to side head bobbing – as his hair covers his face – is not a good look, and the Hadassah-Mikey kissing scene gave me next to nothing in terms of entertainment.

6) Hadassah

My main issue with Hadassah this week is how low her energy was for such a high beat, high energy song. No doubt about it, she looked pretty gorgeous throughout the video (when I look specifically at her “best takes”), but in the music video, as a whole, she didn’t stand out. She didn’t stand out for good reasons, but at the same time, she didn’t stand out for bad reasons either (much unlike Dustin). She kind of just blended into the background in her own ~Hadassah~ the pageant queen sort of way. Her placement in the bottom two was very much deserved.

7) Dustin (Eliminated)

First off, this above gif is obviously not Dustin. I couldn’t find a gif of him from the music video, nor did I care enough to try, so here’s Tyra! Dustin’s performance was absolutely horrendous in the best way possible. It was really cringe-worthy, but not to the extent that I couldn’t bare to watch his bits in the video. He was a hilariously awkward presence in that he totally fucked up in every given way possible, seemingly didn’t try, just to subsequently get backdoored out of the competition. Super funny & super great. Awesome elimination.

1) Mamé (3.3) 1/6/1/3/3/7/3/2
2) Lacey (3.8) 3/11/6/2/2/1/4/1
3) Nyle (4.5) 8/9/2/6/4/2/1/4
4) Justin (5.0) 2/3/5/5/1/5/14 – (Eliminated Week 7)
5) Mikey (5.6) 7/2/7/7/6/3/8/5
6) Ava (5.8) 4/1/11/8/5 – (Eliminated Week 4)
7) Devin (5.9) 6/4/3/4/10/6/11/3
8) Hadassah (6.4) 12/12/9/1/5/4/2/6
9) Ashley (7.3) 5/5/4/10/7/13 – (Eliminated Week 5)
10) Courtney (8.1) 9/7/8/9/9/8/7 – (Eliminated Week 6)
11) Delanie (9.5) 10/9 – (Eliminated Week 1)
12) Dustin (9.8) 11/13/12/6/7 – (Eliminated 8)
13) Bello (10.1) 13/8/10/11/8/9/12 – (Eliminated Week 6)
14) Stefano (11.3) 14/10/10 – (Eliminated Week 2)

Ashley: 0
Ava: 0
Bello: 2
Courtney: 0
Delanie: 0
Devin: 1
Dustin: 3
Hadassah: 0
Justin: 1
Lacey: 0
Mamé: 0
Mikey: 0
Nyle: 0
Stefano: 1

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1 Comment

  1. OMG, this MV less better than ANTM 2 MV, but okay.
    Agree AF on placements of boys and Haddasah, would’ve change places Mame with ‘ on e and Lacey. Mame was more drive and energetic than Lacey, but Lacey was “main character” somehow..


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